Monday, December 29, 2003

in the beginning...

You know what I was thinking to myself the other day? It seemed that there was something lacking in my life. I couldn't help but detect a veritable void in my day-to-day existence. It was an odd emotion, to be sure, seeing as how I have pretty much everything a young schlemiel could want -- and then it hit me, like a 2-by-4 to the back of the head. I don't discuss politics with Marc enough. I began to think aloud: If only there was some sort of fresh, yet hackneyed medium in which I could debate middle class tax cuts with him five days a week, instead of our usual four. If only I had an opportunity to insert *more* Capitol Hill metaphors in my daily exchanges. If only I could hear more diatribes on the insidious evil that is idealistic liberalism and more sermons on the joyousness of the quickly approaching Lieberman presidency.

And so I say: Giddy-up.

Monday, December 22, 2003

while you're waiting

I'm gonna start blogging soon...but in the mean time, check out the links on the side of the page ----->